Saturday, February 22, 2014


"In his defense, Tolkien was writing in 1937. The world is a different place today, and I keep repeatedly telling people that in this day and age, to put nine hours of cinema entertainment in theaters for young girls to go and watch, and not have one female character for them to watch is subliminally telling them, 'You don't count. You're not important, and you're not pivotal to the story.' And I just think they were very brave and very bright in saying, 'We won't do that to young female audiences who come and watch our film.' And not just the young female audience, but even a woman of my own age. I think it's time we stop making stories that are only about men- especially only about heroic men." - Evangeline Lilly

Photo is "Tolkien's Desk" - from 89ravenclaw.