Saturday, November 8, 2014


"I hope you find someone that loves you when you wake up in the morning. And I hope that person stops you from running to the bathroom to fix yourself before they can even get a peek at you. I hope they tell you how beautiful you are, not just in the way you look but in the way you hold their hands and laugh at their jokes. I hope you find someone who sends you messages when they don't know whether to get coffee or tea at Starbucks. And I hope that person shares their cookies with you when they only have one left in the jar. I hope they buy you pizza when you're having a crappy day and listen to you complain about the scripts in television shows that didn't go according to your ways. I hope you find someone whose kisses make you forget you were ever upset in the first place. And I hope that person holds you like one would hold an antique vase. I hope the first thing they see in a crowd is your face and I hope they find you in everyone else they meet. I hope you find someone that will give you the wings to soar and I hope this person decides to fly with you. I hope you find someone that really deserves you as much as you deserve them. I hope you find that person." - Ming Liu

Photo is "Find something you love" - from Elentori.

Friday, November 7, 2014


"Don't ever feel bad for making a decision that upsets other people. You are not responsible for their happiness. You are responsible for your happiness." - Isiah Henkel

Photo is "Make your own happiness" - from Vampire-Zombie.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


"I hate the idea of lonely. And I hate the reality of attachment." - Reyna Biddy

Photo is "Lonely" - from L-L-P.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


"In America, no one looks at you and everyone stares." - Carrie Rudzinski

Photo is "America" - from Steler.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. LIve the life you've imagined." - Henry David Thoreau

Photo is "Dreams" - from Nonatwilight.

Monday, November 3, 2014


"But women can be be careful enough, can we? If we take naked pictures of ourselves, we're asking for it. If someone can manage to hack into our accounts, we're asking for it. If we're not wearing anti-rape nail polish, we're asking for it. If we don't take defense classes, we're asking for it. If we get drunk, we're asking for it. If our skirts are too short, we're asking for it. If we pass out at a party, we're asking for it. If we are not hyper-vigilant every single fucking second of every single fucking day, we are asking for it. Even when we are hyper-vigilant, we're still asking for it. The fact that we exist is asking for it. This is what rape culture looks like. This is what misogyny looks like." - Unknown

Photo is "Misogyny" - from poasterchild.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


"Cat Principles to live by: 1. I am glorious above all things. 2. Eat when hungry, sleep when sleepy, play when bored. 3. Affection is given and received on my terms and only mine. 4. Show displeasure clearly. 5. No. 6. Demand the things you want. If they aren't given, demand them again, but louder this time. 7. If you are touched when you don't want to be, say so. If they continue to touch you, make them bleed." - bisexualpiratequeen

Photo is "The cat" - from stratjara.