"Stop setting yourself on fire for someone who stays to watch you burn." - Unknown
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Friday, February 28, 2014
"Fun fact: If my younger sister was in a car accident and desperately needed a blood transfusion to live, and I was the only person on Earth who could donate blood to save her, and even though donating blood is relatively easy, safe, and quick procedure, NO ONE CAN FORCE ME TO GIVE BLOOD. Yes, even to safe to the life of a fully grown person, it would be ILLEGAL to FORCE me to donate blood if I DIDN'T WANT TO. See, we have this concept called 'bodily autonomy.' It's this ... cultural notion that a person's control over their own body is above all important and must not be infringed upon. Like, we can't even take LIFE SAVING organs from CORPSES unless the person whose corpse it is gave consent before their death. Even corpses get bodily autonomy. To tell people they MUST sacrifice their bodily autonomy for 9 months against their will in an incredibly expensive, invasive, difficult process to save what YOU view as another human life (a debatable claim in the early stages of pregnancy when the vast majority of abortion are performed) is DESPERATELY UNETHICAL. You can't even ask people to sacrifice bodily autonomy to give up organs they aren't using anymore after they have died. You're asking people who can become pregnant to accept less bodily autonomy than we grant to dead bodies." - Fandoms and Feminism
Thursday, February 27, 2014
"No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite." - Nelson Mandela
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
"Trolling used to be pretty funny and almost entirely harmless. Trolling, despite the modern usage, does not mean 'the act of pissing somebody off and laughing about their anger.' It is 'the act of pissing somebody off based on something completely meaningless and laughing about their misplaced anger.' It isn't considered trolling to leave a comment full of racial epithets and laugh when people, 'don't get it.' It is trolling if you leave a comment insisting on the wrong information about something irrelevant - how many runes are on a Stargate, for example (everybody knows it's 12) - and wait for one guy that just can't let that transgression pass. If you start a fake fight with Professor Stargate, dragging him deeper and deeper until hopefully, finally, even he has to stop and think, 'wait a minute, this is riduculous,' that is trolling. That's the difference: No actual harm is caused and even the victim can eventually get in on the joke. 'Trolling' isn't referring to hiding behind a fortification and trying to hurt people like the mythical creature. It's referring to the style of fishing - you drag bait across the bottom hoping to get a rare bite. It's not 'bait' if you're earnestly spouting your misogynistic beliefs and somebody gets upset. There's nothing funny about entirely justified anger." - Robert Brockway
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
"I wanted to show that men and women can be friends without having a relationship. Theirs is a story about partnership, equality, and a strong bond between partners. It's important for little girls to know not every story has to be a love story and for boys to know that soldiers aren't the only ones to triumph in war." - Guillermo del Toro
Monday, February 24, 2014
"Two weeks ago a man in France was arrested for raping his daughter. She'd gone to her school counselor and then the police, but they needed 'hard evidence.' So she videotaped her next assault. Her father was eventually arrested. His attorney explained, 'There was a period when he was unemployed and in the middle of a divorce. He insists that these acts did not stretch back further than three or four months. His daughter says longer. But everyone should be careful in what they say.' Because, really, even despite her seeking help, her testimony, her bravery in setting up a webcam to film her father raping her, you really can't believe what the girl says, can you? Everyone 'knows' this. Even children. Three years ago, in fly-on-the-wall fashion of a parent drives everywhere, I listened while a 14-year-old girl in the back seat of my car described how angry she was that her parents had stopped allowing her to walk home alone just because a girl in her neighborhood 'claimed she was raped.' When I asked her if there was any reason to think the girl's story was not true, she said, 'Girls lie about rape all the time.' She didn't know the person, she just assumed she was lying ... No one says, 'You can't trust women,' but distrust them we do. College students surveyed revealed that they think up to 50% of their female peers lie when they accuse someone of rape, despite wide-scale evidence and multi-country studies that show the incident of false rape reports to be in the 2%-8% range, pretty much the same as false claims for other crimes. As late as 2003, people jokingly (wink, wink) referred to Philadelphia's sex crimes unit as 'the lying bitch unit.' If an 11-year-old girl told an adult that her father took out a Craigslist ad to find someone to beat and rape her while he watched, as recently actually occurred, what do you think the response would be? Would she need to provide a videotape after the fact? It goes way beyond sexual assault as well. That's just the most likely and obvious demonstration of 'women are born to lie' myths. Women's credibility is questioned in the workplace, in courts, by law enforcement, in doctors' offices, and in our political system. People don't trust women to be bosses, or pilots, or employees. Pakistan's controversial Hudood Ordinance still requires a female rape victim to procure four male witnesses to her rape or risk prosecution for adultery. In August, a survey of managers in the United States revealed that they overwhelmingly distrust women who request flextime. It's notable, of course, that women are trusted to be mothers - the largest pool of undervalued, unpaid, economically crucial labor." - Soraya Chemaly
Sunday, February 23, 2014
"I'm here to tell you the story of crazy love - a psychological trap disguised as love. One that millions of women, and even a few men, fall into every year. It may even be your story. I met Conor on a cold, rainy night. He was smart and funny, and he looked like a farm boy. He loved everything about me, and he believed in men in a way that no one else ever had. There was not a hint of violence or anger or control at the beginning. Conor first physically attacked me five days before our wedding. It was 7a.m. I still had on my nightgown. He put his hands around my neck and he hit my head repeatedly against the wall. He proceeded to beat me once or twice a week for the next two and a half years. Why did I stay? The answer is easy. I didn't know he was abusing me. Instead, I was a very strong woman in love with a deeply troubled man, and I was the only person on Earth who could help Conor face his demons. The other question everybody asks is: Why didn't I walk out? To me this is the saddest and most painful question. Because we victims know something you usually don't: It's incredibly dangerous to leave an abuser. Over 70% of domestic violence murders happen after the victim ended the relationship. I realized that the man who I loved so much was going to kill me if I let him. So I broke the silence. I told everyone: the police, my neighbors, my friends and family, total strangers, and I'm here today because you all helped me. We tend to stereotype victims as grizzly headlines, self-destructive women, damaged goods. 'Why does she stay?' is code to some people for, 'It's her fault for staying,' as if victims intentionally choose to fall in love with men intent upon destroying us. Abuse thrives only in silence. You have to power to end domestic violence simply by shining a spotlight on it. We victims need everyone. We never every one of you to understand the secrets of domestic violence. Show abuse the light of day by talking about it." - Leslie Morgan Steiner
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